Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mortal fear of the ex-husband

Dusseldorf - It is the daily horror: Karin T. Nowhere feels safe - the stalker is everywhere! "Even at my work he has already tried to make me ill with the alleged robberies."
Meanwhile, the 46-year-old geriatric nurse's naked fear of death, because she knows how dangerous the offender - more than 20 years she lived with him.
In September 2007, Karin T. had separated from her partner, Jörg B. (42, changed all the names): "The relationship was fraught with problems for years. And then I found out that he had long been having an affair with a neighbor - I have drawn a line, "says the woman. She took off with her daughter Yasmin (15).
Four weeks later she began suffering that continues until today: Jörg B. terrorizing her since, with constant phone calls, SMS and personal pursuits. And his threats are truly scary, like a police report dated 25 October 2007 demonstrates. The officers were called to the assistance of Karin T., heard here with a threatening telephone call:
"The caller gave the following rates this of himself:" You're all mud pack! I will not let Karin alone! It would be healthier if she pulls away from Dusseldorf. I will ensure that they will lose their jobs. And Yasmin had better not go to school - otherwise they are still running ... ""
Karin T. asked for a secret - but he got it out quickly. They fought for an approximate ban on her ex-husband in court - but that was limited until mid-May. "Then the horror began again," she says. In recent days, the situation escalated: Jörg B. waylaid her and her daughter in the supermarket, pursued them with the car and pushed it off the road, then to drumming with his fists on her windshield.
And then the last one being threatening letter: "Well, today you had the wind up? I 'thee war, I'll kill you! You will be financially ruined. I'll take you to - you're dead meat. What you've seen today, was just the beginning. "
Again, Karin T. reported the crime to the police. The investigation Jörg B. - as well as the public prosecutor, as its spokesman Johannes Mocken confirmed the EXPRESS. "I do not know what to do," says the desperate Karin T. "I'm afraid of hell, that really does to us Jörg.
EXPRESS tried to interview regarding the allegations to Jörg B.. But the early retirees was not available.