Thursday, June 17, 2010

For Axel Voss's go now to Brussels

Bonn - He grinned like a Cheshire cat: FDP leader Werner Hümmrich with its liberals of the Bonner won the European elections.
And "his" candidate Alexander Graf Lambsdorff draws for the second time the EU Parliament. Even the CDU-Europe candidate can rejoice: Axel Voss solved the ticket to Brussels.
The kids steal the show the great - so the short version of the Bonn vote. Rich gained 5.5 percent, the Liberals.
Must select the Bonn more>
FDP boss Werner Hümmrich: "The increase is substantial. That is more than the national average. This openness of the voters, we naturally want to use for the coming elections. "
Just ran the EU elections in Germany - Click HERE>
The Greens Dorothee passport wine Gartz and Tom Schmidt were infected by the good humor Hümmrichs. Enthusiastically they followed the high results from all voting districts.
20.5 percent came together at the end. "We took second place in Bonn. We have the potential to get started right now, "Schmidt commented overjoyed.
   With mixed emotions and utmost exertion experienced CDU-Europe candidate Axel Voss the evening. Time and again the anxious look on the computer, then the relief: He's managed to Brussels, the result of the CDU NRW is good enough.
But after that, like the Bonner Party chief of the critical issues had to cast the loss of the Christian Democrats have. Almost 7 percent less than in 2004 - a clear downward trend. He was responsible for federal issues such as the discussion of Opel, "We have lost because voters to the FDP," said his analysis.
Even greater hangover in the other People's Party: The petrified faces took the SPD leader Ernesto Uli Harder and MP Kelber the result of 19.3 percent note.
Harder to EXPRESS: "Of course I would prefer a different result. But we are a bit better in Bonn as the SPD in the federal government, "he consoled himself.
For SPD candidate Sebastian Hartmann Brussels remains a tourist destination. He fails to parliament.
Also of Interest
Voter turnout increased slightly